ColumBUS Transit is conducting a Route Study to look for opportunities to improve the service. Please share your experience by taking our survey! Your information will be kept confidential.

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* 1. What is your primary mode of transportation?

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* 2. Do you ride ColumBUS?

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* 3. Where do you live?

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* 4. Which of the following scenarios best applies to you?

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* 5. Rate your awareness of ColumBUS programs and services.

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* 6. What are the reasons you do not/have not used ColumBUS services? (Please select one)

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* 7. Do you know of any employers or other types of locations that would benefit from ColumBUS service? If so, please list:

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* 8. Do you have any feedback on public transit needs or services in Columbus?

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* 9. Which of the following descriptions best applies to you? Are you presently: (Please select one).

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* 10. Do you use mobility assistance aids?