We'd like to get your feedback on the Sociable City Guide for College Communities.
Please rate the guide and share your suggestions for improvement.
If you have a strategy you'd like showcased, you can share it here!

Question Title

* 1. Which of the following perspectives best represents your position?

Question Title

* 2. What city, state and country (if outside the U.S.) are you from?

Question Title

* 3. Overall, how useful is this guide as a learning tool?

Question Title

* 4. Rank the most important issues in your community. (1) = Most Important. (4) = Least Important.

Question Title

* 5. Rate the educational value of each section of the guide.

  Not Very Valuable Not Valuable Somewhat Valuable Valuable Very Valuable
Unique Issues in College Communities
Off-Campus Housing: An Overview
Off-Campus Housing: Promising Practices
Pre-Loading: An Overview
Pre-Loading: Promising Practices
Party Buses: An Overview
Party Buses: Promising Practices
Sexual Assault: An Overview
Sexual Assault: Promising Practices

Question Title

* 6. Share a testimonial about the value of the guide to your position or community.

Question Title

* 7. Share your feedback on the guide. What would you suggest we do to improve the guide?

Question Title

* 8. Share a strategy or promising practice that you would like to see featured in an updated version of the guide.

Question Title

* 9. (Optional) Name:

Question Title

* 10. (Optional) Position:

Question Title

* 11. (Optional) Company/Organization:

Question Title

* 12. (Optional) Phone #:

Question Title

* 13. (Optional) Email: