The results of this survey will be used to improve parks and recreation areas in Cochranton Borough.

Cochranton Borough is beginning the planning process to prepare a Comprehensive Parks and Recreation Plan. The Plan will provide action oriented strategies focused on the Cochranton Landing, Cochranton Lions Community Park and the Cochranton Fairgrounds; the Cochranton Greenways Trail; and connections to the elementary school, junior/senior high school, borough-owned properties and other community destinations.  Your suggestions will help in this planning process.  Your response is requested by November 1, 2023.

Question Title

* 1. Please identify where you live?

Question Title

* 3. How important are the Parks and Recreation areas to the overall quality of life in Cochranton Borough? (check as appropriate for each)

  Important Somewhat Important - Neutral Not Important
Cochranton Landing
Cochranton Lions Community Park
Cochranton Fairgrounds
Cochranton Greenways Trail

Question Title

* 4. On the average, how often do you or any other member of your household visit/use the following Parks and Recreation areas?  (check as appropriate for each)

  Daily Weekly Monthly Occasionally Never
Cochranton Landing
Cochranton Lions Community Park
Cochranton Fairgrounds
Cochranton Greenways Trail

Question Title

* 5. How do you most frequently get to the Park Areas/Greenways Trail in Cochranton Borough?  (select one response)

Question Title

* 6. Please give us an idea of why you use/visit the Park Areas in Cochranton Borough? (check all that apply)

Question Title

* 7. Please give us an idea of why you use the Cochranton Greenways Trail? (check all that apply)

Question Title

* 8. Please describe additional community destinations/places you want connected by the Greenways Trail?

Question Title

* 9. Which facilities/amenities do you or a member of your household use at the Park areas in Cochranton Borough? (check all that apply)

Question Title

* 10. How would you rank the following as priorities for the Parks and Greenways Trail in Cochranton Borough over the next 5 years? (check as appropriate for each)

  High Medium Low Not a Priority
More play equipment/apparatus
Add pickelball court(s)
Add nature areas/vegetation
More benches/seating areas
Updated restroom
ADA access/amenities
Parking improvements
Improved safety
Rehabilitate existing facilities/amenities
Historic Interpretation
Improved Basketball Court
Maintenance on Greenways Trail
More Connected Greenways Trail network - walking/biking connections
Add Bicycle rack/bike repair amenities
Improve facilities/amenities for persons with disabilities - ADA improvements
More promotion of the Parks/Greenways Trail
Park/Trail Signage/Directional Signage
Park/Trail Brochure/Mapping
Enhanced Music and Entertainment stage/area
Events centered on French Creek and Water Access
Kayak Storage
Lawn Games (Corn Hole, etc.)
Expand programming/activities at the Parks

Question Title

* 11. Please give your overall rating of the condition of the amenities/facilities at the Parks/Recreation areas. (check as appropriate for each)

  Excellent Good Fair Poor No Opinion
Cochranton Landing
Cochranton Lions Community Park
Cochranton Fairgrounds
Cochranton Greenways Trail

Question Title

* 12. Please note your agreement or disagreement with each of the following statements on recreation facilities/amenities (i.e. playgrounds, fields, parks, trails, etc.) in Cochranton Borough.  (check as appropriate for each)

  Agree Disagree No Opinion
There are adequate recreation facilities for pre-school children (age 0-4 years)
There are adequate recreation facilities for school-aged kids (age 5-18)
There are adequate recreation facilities for young adults (age 19-29)
There are adequate recreation facilities for middle-aged adults (age 30-59)
There are adequate recreation facilities for mature adults (age 60+)
There is adequate open space for passive recreation
There are adequate ADA facilities/amenities
There are adequate pavilion/picnic areas
There are adequate play courts
There is adequate access to the Park/Recreation areas
There is adequate access within the Park/Recreation areas
There is adequate access to/from the Greenways Trail

Question Title

* 13. Please note your agreement or disagreement with each of the following statements on recreation programs/activities (i.e. organized sports/recreation, fitness, etc.) in Cochranton Borough.  (check as appropriate for each)

  Agree Disagree No Opinion
There are adequate recreation programs for pre-school children (age 0-4)
There are adequate recreation programs for school-aged kids (age 5-18)
There are adequate recreation programs for young adults (age 19-29)
There are adequate recreation programs for middle-aged adults (age 30-59)
There are adequate recreation programs for mature adults (age 60+)

Question Title

* 14. Please identify the following recreation programs/activities you feel are needed in Cochranton Borough. (check all that apply)

Question Title

* 15. If only one thing could be done to improve the Park and Recreation areas in Cochranton Borough, what do you think it should be?

Question Title

* 16. If only one thing could be done to improve the Cochranton Greenways Trail, what do you think it should be?

Question Title

* 17. Please make any other suggestions/comments related to improving the Parks/Recreation areas/Greenways Trail in Cochranton Borough: