About the Continuum of Care (CoC) & Voting Member Criteria

Thank you for applying for membership in the Detroit CoC. Membership should reflect community wide commitment to preventing and ending homelessness and must represent the entire geographic area covered by the Detroit CoC (as defined in the CoC Governance Charter) The CoC defines “a commitment to preventing and ending homelessness” as the willingness to assist and impact the lives of people who are experiencing homelessness as well as to the preventing and ending of the socially important condition of homelessness.
This application is the first step in becoming a voting member of the CoC and working to address the problem of homelessness in the community. More information can be found on http://www.handetroit.org/continuum-of-care/. Please allow 7-10 business days for application processing.
Voting Member Criteria
In order to become a voting member of the Detroit Continuum of Care, a person must be a member of the Detroit Continuum of Care in good standing and complete a Detroit Continuum of Care Voting Member Application Form. Each application will be reviewed and approved by the Continuum of Care Lead Agency and Secretary of the Continuum of Care Board following CoC-approved application standards. Once the application form has been approved and the attendance requirements met, the CoC Lead Agency will notify the person/agency of their voting status. There is no minimum or maximum number of voting members on the Detroit Continuum of Care.
An individual who does not work for or represent an agency/organization may be nominated and elected as a voting member of the Continuum of Care to represent themselves. An individual may submit an application to become a voting member after their attendance at one Continuum of Care meeting. An agency/organization may submit an application to receive voting status after attendance at one Continuum of Care meeting.
An agency/organization may identify two (2) persons who may vote on behalf of the agency/organization. Only one (1) representative of an agency/organization may cast a vote on each action. In the event that neither representative can attend a duly called meeting, he or she may, with prior notice to the Chair, designate a proxy. Designations of proxies to conduct business should be rare. If a Continuum of Care voting member is unable to routinely conduct business, the agency/organization should seek to assign representation to another individual.
Voting Member Responsibilities
The Detroit CoC has specific responsibilities as outlined in the CoC Interim Rule, which will be collaboratively held by CoC Members. The responsibilities required by the CoC Interim Rule are outlined in Table 1 on page 14 of the Governance Charter. The CoC retains all of the responsibilities listed, even if it designates eligible applicants other than itself to apply for funds. Responsibilities extend to approval of the CoC Program application for funding. Additional responsibilities set forth by the CoC include:
  • Receive community and public policy updates relevant to homelessness issues;
  • Advocate on behalf of all persons experiencing homelessness, including the implementation of efficient and effective service provision regardless of funding sources;
  • Receive updates on the Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness;
  • Review and act on the annual CoC-funding allocations;
  • Review and act on additional HUD required activities; and
  • Select two designees from the membership of the Detroit CoC Board to serve as representatives of the CoC on the statewide regional council. These representatives are required to provi

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* 1. Please indicate if you are representing yourself as an individual or an agency/organization representative.

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* 2. Voting Representative Information

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* 3. If choosing to select a second representative who may cast a vote on each action, please provide the second representative's information below

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* 4. CEO/Executive Director Contact Information
Answer N/A if you are applying as an individual

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* 5. Indicate which committee(s) the representative(s) plan to participate in

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* 6. Please provide a mission statement and brief history of the agency/organization. If you are applying as an individual, your answer is N/A

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* 7. Describe the agency/organization's or individual's experience working to end homelessness

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* 8. What does the agency/organization or individual hope to contribute and gain by being a member of the Continuum of Care (CoC)?

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* 9. Representative Signatures

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