The City of Clinton Recreation and Parks Department is preparing for development of a new Comprehensive Recreation and Parks Master Plan. Through research and public input, this plan will assess the current and future level of service of the parks system and recreation needs of the City of Clinton. The purpose of this project will be to develop a community-supported plan that directly relates to the goal of the Recreation and Parks Department and provides guidance to effectively prioritize, fund, develop, and manage parks, recreation facilities, open space, trails, and recreation programs for years to come.

A major component of this process is to conduct a community-wide needs assessment survey. Your participation is crucial in determining the future direction and goals of our community's recreation and parks. Even if you do not currently participate in any recreation programs or utilize the park system in any way, your survey answers will still be important.

We appreciate your time and efforts to make the City of Clinton a perfect place to call home. 

City of Clinton Recreation and Parks Department

Question Title

Clinton Parks & Recreation Facilities

Clinton Parks & Recreation Facilities

Question Title

* 1. For each of the facilities listed below, please indicate how often you and/or your family have visited in the past year.

  1-5 visits 6-11 visits 12 or more visits No visits this year Not aware of this facility
Royal Lane Park
Sampson Center Park
Fisher Drive Park
Newkirk Park

Question Title

* 2. For each of the parks facilities listed below, please indicate your level of satisfaction with the amenities. Provide additional comments to supplement your feedback.

  Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Not satisfied Don't know
Royal Lane Park
Samspon Center Park
Fisher Drive Park
Newkirk Park

Question Title

* 3. Do you think the following facilities, programs and activities provided in Clinton are currently meeting the needs of the community? Please check the appropriate response.

  Not enough Almost enough Enough Too many
Parks/Park Land
Athletic Fields
Basketball Courts
Tennis/Pickleball Courts
Volleyball Courts
Athletic Programs/Activities
Fitness Programs/Activities
Senior/Active Adult Programs
Arts Programs and Activities
Adventure Programs/Activities
Aquatic Programs/ Facilities
Water Play- Splash Pad
Playground for all abilities
Nature Programs
Dog Parks
Access to Gymnasium
Summer Camps
City--wide Special Events
Adult Sports Leagues
Programs for Individuals with Special Needs

Question Title

* 4. Please indicate what you feel is the level of need for each item listed below that the City of Clinton should consider adding in the future.

  Top priority need Somewhat needed Probably not needed Definitely not needed Don't know
Additional Meeting/Program Space
Additional rental facility options (picnic shelter, community center rooms)
Additional City-wide Event Space
Additional Gymnasium (s)
Additional Sports Fields
Additional Court Facilities (Tennis, pickleball, basketball, volleyball)
Preschool/ Early Childhood Programs
Additional Teen Programs
Additional Senior Programs
Outdoor Fitness Stations
Trails & Greenways
Additional Parks/ Park Land
Community Gardens

Question Title

* 5. Using the list below indicate how often you take part in the following activities, whether through the City of Clinton Recreation and Parks Department or not:

  Very often Often Occasionally Never
Individual and Family Activity such as walking, bicycling, picnicking, bird watching, visiting a playground
Organized Athletic Activity such as Basketball, Soccer, Baseball, Football
Special Events such as holiday special events, Clinton Square Fair, Christmas in the City
Classes or Programs such as Summer Camps, Fitness Programs, Senior programs

Question Title

* 6. How would you rate the City of Clinton Recreation and Parks programs and activities?

Question Title

* 7. Please place a check next to the Youth Programs that you OR your family have and/or would like to participate in. (Note: blank answers will be counted as no participation and/or no interest).

  Have participated in Would like to participate in
Youth Sports: Adaptive Sports for Special Needs
Youth Sports: Baseball League
Youth Sports: Basketball League
Youth Sports: Cheerleading
Youth Sports: Disc Golf League
Youth Sports: Flag Football
Youth Sports: Lacrosse League
Youth Sports: Skating/Skateboarding
Youth Sports: Soccer League
Youth Sports: Softball League
Youth Sports: Off road biking (BMX, Mountain Biking)
Youth Sports: Sports Camp
Youth Sports: Swim Team
Youth Sports: Tennis Programs
Youth Sports: Volleyball

Question Title

* 8. Please place a check next to the Adult Sports that you OR your family have and/or would like to participate in. (Note: blank answers will be counted as no participation and/or no interest).

  Have participated in Would like to participate in
Adult Sports: Adaptive Sports for Special Needs
Adult Sports: Baseball League
Adult Sports: Basketball League
Adult Sports: Disc Golf
Adult Sports: Flag Football League
Adult Sports: Kickball League
Adult Sports: Pickleball
Adult Sports: Soccer League
Adult Sports: Softball League
Adult Sports: Swim Team
Adult Sports: Tennis League
Adult Sports: Ultimate Frisbee
Adult Sports: Volleyball League
Adult Sports: Futsal

Question Title

* 9. Please place a check next to the Active Adults/ Seniors that you OR your family have and/or would like to participate in. (Note: blank answers will be counted as no participation and/or no interest).

  Have participated in Would like to participate in
Fitness Programs - e.g. Yoga, Dancing, Barre, Pilates
Greenway Walks and Low Impact Hiking
Game Days- Bingo, Cards
Travel- Local and out of town
Sports- Pickleball
Aquatic Program- Water Aerobics
Art Studio- Sewing, Painting, Crafts

Question Title

* 10. Please place a check next to the Special Events, Classes and Activities that you OR your family have and/or would like to participate in. (Note: blank answers will be counted as no participation and/or no interest.)

  Have participated in Would like to participate in
5K/ 10K/ Marathons
Art Shows
Bird Watching
Bicycle Safety Classes
Challenge/Ropes Course
River Camps (Canoeing, Kayaking, Paddling, Water Safety)
Adventure Trips
Disc Golf
Food Truck Events
Farmers Markets
Preschool Music/ Kindermusik
Nature Programs
Pop-up Park
Programs for Individuals with Special Needs
STEM Programs for Kids and Teens
Weight Training for Teens
Teen Council/ Teen Leadership Program

Question Title

* 11. Would you like to see more public art in parks and around the City?

Question Title

* 12. Please indicate your level of agreement about the following statements:

  Agree Somewhat agree Disagree Somewhat disagree Do not know
The Clinton Parks and Recreation Department maintains a good image in the community.
Compared to other priorities (public safety, streets, utilities, schools), parks and recreation is important to a community.
I feel safe when visiting a park or recreation facility.
I feel that I have good access to a park.
Parks are well distributed throughout the City.
I am willing to be a volunteer to improve our parks.
I feel I have good access to greenways and trails.

Question Title

* 13. Please rate your satisfaction with the following parks and recreation services provided by City of Clinton Recreation & Parks and Recreation.

  Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Don't know
Availability of information about recreation programs/parks
Ease of registering for programs
Fees charged for recreation programs
Customer service by staff

Question Title

* 14. Which communication types would you prefer for the Clinton Recreation and Parks Department to use to inform residents of programs and activities?

Question Title

* 15. Please indicate if any of the following prevents you and/or your family from using Clinton's parks and facilities? Please check all that apply.

Question Title

* 16. Do you travel outside of Clinton to use parks and recreation facilities?

Question Title

* 17. If so, where?

Question Title

* 18. If you answered yes above, please check the factors that influence your decision to use these other facilities (Please check all that apply):

Question Title

* 19. (CAPITAL FUNDING) In order to invest in more parks and recreation facilities, the City of Clinton may require additional funding. Please rank your preferred methods for additional capital funding for recreation and parks 1 through 4 (with 1 being the highest).

Question Title

* 20. (OPERATIONAL FUNDING) Please indicate below the amount of additional funding you would support per month, if any, per household, to improve park maintenance and expand recreation programs. (Check ONE)

Question Title

* 21. Please add any other comments/ concerns you may have regarding Parks and Recretion facilities and programs. 

Question Title

* 22. If you would like to receive email updates from Clinton Recreation and Parks Department in the future or if you are interested in volunteering, please provide your email address.