Climate, Biodiversity & Rights

Help us, help you

The Climate, Biodiversity & Rights Daily Bulletin during COP28 has been a pilot initiative to support negotiators, civil society, Indigenous Peoples, and other representatives participating in the COP to have an enhanced overview of the different issues arising in the negotiations, events and at the political level concerning climate, biodiversity & rights.

We hope the bulletin has been useful, and we hope to continue daily coverage of relevant international policy processes.

To help us help you, please take five minutes to answer the following questions:
1.Please identify the type of organization:
2.How did you participate in COP28?
3.How often did you open the Climate, Biodiversity & Rights Bulletin?
4.Did you find the coverage of the daily bulletin helpful?
5.Did you notice any gaps in our coverage of importance to your work?
6.Please if you identify gaps, please provide us with suggestions on additional coverage
7.Did you recommend the daily bulletin to friends and colleagues?
8.Please check any of the boxes below of other relevant international policy processes where you would like updates through the Climate, Biodiversity & Rights Daily Bulletin