Cascadia Health Client Survey

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Your feedback is important to us. Please review each statement and select the answer that best describes your response.
1.Race (choose one):
2.Ethnicity (choose one):
3.Location (choose one):
4.What kind of services are you receiving? Choose all that apply:
5.If you travel to a Cascadia location, is it easy for you to get to? Choose one:
6.If you travel to a Cascadia location for services, are the service hours meeting your needs? Choose one:
7.If Cascadia’s current hours and days of operation do not meet your needs, what days and times would work better for you? For example: Saturday evenings, 5:00-8:00 p.m.

Please write in some options:
8.How do you get to your appointment? Choose all that apply:
9.In the last year has Cascadia given you a bus/MAX ticket so you could attend an appointment? Choose one:
10.If you have called or emailed your Cascadia doctor or counselor, how many days did you wait before receiving a response? Circle the best answer:
11.After calling or emailing for an appointment, in how many days are you given an appointment? Circle the best answer:
12.Please answer the following questions by choosing the ranking that best meets your selection:
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree 
I found it easy to access or enter into services at Cascadia.
I feel that I am treated with respect by Cascadia staff.
I feel the waiting rooms are welcoming and friendly.
I feel that Cascadia is responsive to my cultural needs.
I feel that Cascadia is helping me with making progress towards my treatment goals/needs.
 If I have a concern about my treatment or how I am being treated, I know where to go in Cascadia to address my concerns.
I would recommend Cascadia services to others
13.Do you have any other feedback you would like to give Cascadia?
Current Progress,
0 of 13 answered