2019 Cleantech Innovation Awards |
Thank you for your interest in the 2019 Cleantech Innovation Awards. You will find important details below about nomination / application process. Feel free to submit as many nominations/applications as you would like; but only one award application or nomination can be submitted at a time.
Application Period:
August 19 – October 18, 2019
Who Can Apply:
Anyone! Industry, utilities government, academia/research, nonprofits, public-sector. You can apply on behalf of your own organization or nominate a project or person.
Award Criteria:
We welcome broad and creative nominations. However, nominations must refer to projects / programs delivered between December 2018 and December 2019 and within North Carolina.
The Process:
Eligible applications will be reviewed and judged by a committee of RTCC staff, members, and partners. Contact information will only be used to notify nominees if they are named as finalists. Award finalists will be notified by late October and honored at the award ceremony on December 3, 2019.