Dearborn SHINES_Classroom Teacher POST Survey

Please answer the following questions in regards to your experiences with Dearborn SHINES programming before and after this year's school closures.  

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* 1. What school do you teach at?

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* 2. What is your gender?

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* 3. How old are you?

20 80
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 4. How many years have you been teaching?

1 50
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 5. What grade level do you currently teach?

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* 6. Which content area do you typically teach? Please check all that apply

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* 7. What is your highest level of Education?

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* 8. What is your typical class size?

0 60
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.
Please answer the following questions about your experience with Dearborn SHINES programming PRIOR to the COVID-19 school closure.

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* 9. Over the course of this past year how often were you able to incorporate healthy eating and garden nutrition lessons into your classroom?

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* 10. Over the course of this year how confident were you in your ability to implement healthy eating and garden nutrition lessons into your classroom?

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* 11. Prior to school closures, how often did you typically provide physical activity breaks in your classroom?

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* 12. I typically have used physical activity breaks to:

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* 13. How do you typically incorporate PA breaks into your daily planning and/or routine?

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* 14. Prior to DSHINES programming did you use Go Noodle?

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* 15. How many times per week did you typically use Go Noodle this past year?

Please answer the following questions about your experiences with Dearborn SHINES programming FOLLOWING the COVID-19 school closures in March. 

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* 16. Since the school closure have you encouraged your students to use the DSHINES nutrition lessons as part of their remote learning?

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* 17. How often have you encouraged students to engage in the DSHINES nutrition lessons as part of their remote learning?

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* 18. Over the course of the past several months how has the school closure impacted your ability to incorporate healthy eating, nutrition and gardening lessons into student learning? 

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* 19. Over the course of the past several months how has the school closure impacted your confidence in your ability to implement healthy eating, nutrition and gardening into student learning? 

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* 20. Since the school closures have you encouraged your students to use the physical activity lessons provided by DSHINES as part of their remote learning?

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* 21. How often have you encouraged students to engage in physical activity breaks as part of their remote learning?

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* 22. If you did use the Dearborn SHINES nutrition and physical activity remote learning content, what did you find beneficial and/or what could be improved?

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* 23. If you did not use the Dearborn SHINES nutrition and physical activity remote learning content, why not?

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* 24. In the event that we would need to continue providing remote learning content through Dearborn SHINES are there additional ways we can support you?

Please answer these final few questions in regards to OVERALL use of Dearborn SHINES programming

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* 25. Over the past year how many lessons have you utilized in your classroom across the themes of healthy eating, garden nutrition and physical activity? (Please account for all lessons including in persons and remote D-SHINES lessons as well as any additional lessons you included. If you are a middle schools teacher and taught the lesson to multiple classes please multiply in your response)

0 100
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 26. After receiving D-SHINES programming to what degree do you feel you have modified your teaching to incorporate healthy eating, garden nutrition and physical activity?

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* 27. After completing D-SHINES programming to what extent would you say you increased your knowledge of healthy eating and gardening? 

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* 28. After completing D-SHINES programming to what extent would you say you increased your knowledge of the importance of classroom and student physical activity?

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* 29. After a year of Dearborn SHINES programming, I would rate my confidence that I can get my students active when.....

  Not Confident At All Not Confident Somewhat Confident Confident Fully Confident
My students are not concerned with being physically active.
My students are preparing for tests.
My students are having problems getting along.
My students have a wide range of academic abilities.
My students have a wide range of physical abilities.
I have a crowded classroom of students.
My school does not have enough room outside/inside to provide students with adequate physical activity.
The weather is bad and students can't go outside.
I do not have enough time during the day to provide physical activity breaks.
I do not have enough time in the day to provide students recess.
I do not have enough time to prepare physical activity breaks.
Other teachers at my school do not value physical activity.
My principal does not provide adequate support for physical activity.
My principal puts pressure on getting high test scores.
I do not have enough equipment/resources for all my students to be physically active.
I can attend professional development focused on implementing physical activity.
I can learn a variety of strategies to implement physical activity.
I can improve my knowledge about how to get my students active.

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* 30. Please rank in order of importance the each curricular component

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* 31. As we think about programming for next year, how can Dearborn SHINES best support you? 

Thank you for all YOU do!