My students are not concerned with being physically active.
My students are preparing for tests.
My students are having problems getting along.
My students have a wide range of academic abilities.
My students have a wide range of physical abilities.
I have a crowded classroom of students.
My school does not have enough room outside/inside to provide students with adequate physical activity.
The weather is bad and students can't go outside.
I do not have enough time during the day to provide physical activity breaks.
I do not have enough time in the day to provide students recess.
I do not have enough time to prepare physical activity breaks.
Other teachers at my school do not value physical activity.
My principal does not provide adequate support for physical activity.
My principal puts pressure on getting high test scores.
I do not have enough equipment/resources for all my students to be physically active.
I can attend professional development focused on implementing physical activity.
I can learn a variety of strategies to implement physical activity.
I can improve my knowledge about how to get my students active.