Thank you for completing this brief, 8-question survey to help guide the future of Clarksville's trails. Your input will be used to inform key elements of the Trails Master Plan, such as the location of routes and destinations. You can also tell us where you want to see future routes by using the online interactive map!

At the end of the survey, you can enter a raffle for a $25 gas card by submitting your email address.

Question Title

* 1. Where do you live?

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* 2. How often do you use trails in Clarksville?

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* 3. How often would you like to use trails in Clarksville?

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* 4. How would you like to use trails in Clarksville? Please select all that apply.

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* 5. What types of destinations are most important for trails to connect to? Please rank the below options, with “1” being your most important destination and “7” being your least important destination.

  1. Parks and recreational amenities (public pool, playgrounds, etc.)
  2. Public facilities (library, community center, town hall, etc.)
  3. Schools
  4. Commercial areas (shopping, dining, employment, etc.)
  5. Residential neighborhoods
  6. Senior housing communities
  7. Bus stops

Question Title

* 6. What types of amenities are most important for trails in Clarksville? Please rank the below options, with “1” being your most important amenity and “8” being your least important amenity.

  1. Lighting
  2. Drinking stations
  3. Shading (trees, etc.)
  4. Directional signage (trail maps, etc.)
  5. Trash and recycling bins
  6. Seating
  7. Bike racks
  8. Public art

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* 7. Is there anything else that you’d like to share?

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* 8. If you would like to enter a raffle to win a $25 gas card, please submit your email below.