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1. Civic Engagement Activities at GSU and beyond

Please use this survey to report any community or civic engagement activities that you conducted within the last 3 academic years.
This includes activities or assignments that improve community well-being or in collaboration with community stakeholder(s).  EXAMPLES include the following: community reflection assignments, capstone projects, community service projects, work study, voter engagement, internships, continuing education or workshops with partner organizations, workforce collaborations, health and wellness events, service-learning that includes reflection, nonprofit or business support services, partner activities on and off campus, volunteering, etc. [Please consider both in person, hybrid and online activities.]

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* 1. In which College do you teach, work or lead?

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* 2. How many total years have you been teaching or employed in higher education?

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* 3. Please estimate the total number of participants /students involved in your civic engagement actives during the prior academic year (Fall or Spring).

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* 4. What types of students/attendees participate in your course, workshop, event or activity?

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* 5. What is the total length or duration of your civic engagement activities or events?

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* 6. Which of the following activities are included in your civic engagement courses, events or activities? (Select all that apply)

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* 7. Which of the following activities would you LIKE to include in future civic engagement courses, events or activities? (Select all that apply)

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* 8. Approximately how many hours would you say you spend planning and implementing this aspect of the course, module or learning activity?
(answer in # Hours)

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* 9. What are the main reason(s) you design, teach or host civic engagement or democratic learning activities? (Select all that apply)

0 of 14 answered