The City of Salisbury are developing a plan to support arts and cultural activities across the City, including festivals and events, live music, exhibitions, heritage preservation, and arts programs.

We would like to hear about what arts and culture activities you would like to see in the City of Salisbury and to provide feedback on what the Council is doing well or can improve on in this space.

The survey will take around 5 minutes to complete and closes on Friday 28 March.

Your ideas will help us to create the City of Salisbury Arts and Culture Development Plan (the Plan), which will support a vibrant and creative community.

What do we mean by arts and culture?
In the context of creating the Plan, culture represents a range things including people's interaction with human, natural and built heritage, local history, including preservation and interpretation along with creative activities such as storytelling, craft, festivals and other initiatives where people celebrate character and identity.

Arts takes in a variety of things including music, visual arts, film, public art, literature and the many other creative activities that community members enjoy as observers, audience members and/or participants and makers.

If you would like further information or to discuss the development of the Plan further, please contact the Consultant leading the project.

Maz McGann
0438 807 973

Question Title

* 1. What are your priorities in relation to cultural activities in the City of Salisbury?

Select 4 - 5 that you feel are the most important.

Question Title

* 2. Cultural activities can support the community and create opportunities. What of the following things would you like to see arts and culture activities support?

Select 3 - 4 that you feel are the most important.

Question Title

* 3. What do you think we need in the City of Salisbury needs to support cultural activities across the community? Include resources, facilities, projects, skills, expertise, events, public art, workshops etc.

Question Title

* 4. Are there any barriers that prevent the community in relation to participation in arts and cultural activities If so, what are they?

Question Title

* 5. Of all the cultural activities in the City of Salisbury, what do you think is done well?

Question Title

* 6. To what degree do you agree with the following statements.

  Strongly disagree Somewhat Disagree Neither disagree or agree Somewhat agree Strongly agree Unsure
Spaces and places to interact with culture are important for the community.
Cultural activities should also offer social and wellbeing benefits.
We should invest in the preservation and promotion of heritage and local history.
Sharing stories is important to me, my family/friends/community.
Everyone should have an opportunity to participate in cultural activities.
Cultural activities should also offer some economic benefit.

Question Title

* 7. What words or phrases would you use to describe the City of Salisbury from a cultural/creative perspective.

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* 8. Do you have any specific ideas for projects or activities or is there anything else you would like to tell us?

Question Title

* 9. Tell us about yourself

Question Title

* 10. What is your age?

Question Title

* 12. If you would like us to keep you up to date on arts and culture activities in the City of Salisbury please include your email address. This will be held confidentially.