2018 Circuitscape user survey |
Please help us improve Circuitscape!
Circuitscape is a widely-used open source software program that borrows ideas from circuit theory to assess landscape connectivity. While the range of applications for Circuitscape has continued to grow since it was first developed by Brad McRae and Viral Shah over a decade ago, computational limitations hinder its ability to solve large problems. Before Brad McRae passed away from cancer in July 2017, he received a grant from NASA’s Earth Science Applications: Ecological Forecasting program to lead a team with Viral, now at Julia Computing, to overhaul the Circuitscape 4.0 software and add functionality. Viral and several of Brad’s colleagues at The Nature Conservancy (TNC), with help from many of Brad’s friends and collaborators, are continuing this important work, and we need your help!
This Circuitcape update is being written in the Julia language (open source, and tools will be backwards compatible), and we are already seeing great improvements in run times. Our work includes improvements to the built-in solver, improved scalability, and new functionality. We are actively seeking user input, using tools like this survey, to help us improve and test the update, better understand use cases and challenges, and convey to NASA the breadth and importance of uses of Circuitscape in science and decision-making.
Questions about the survey or project? Please contact Kim Hall at TNC – kimberly.hall@tnc.org
Thanks for your help!
Thanks for your help!