Feedback Survey Children's Faith Formation 2019-2020

St. Joseph Catholic Church has a strong Children's Faith Formation program. We are interested in continual growth and improvement. Your honest feedback will help us continue to meet the needs of our families. Please take a few minutes to respond to the following questions. 

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* 1. Please provide the grade levels for each of your children currently enrolled in St. Joseph Children's Faith Formation.

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* 2. Please indicate in which Children's Faith Formation program your child(ren) has/have participated during the 2019-2020 academic year. Please check all that apply.

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* 3. On which day did your child(ren) attend his/her Faith Formation sessions? Please check all that apply.

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* 4. Please rate your level of agreement with the following statements as they relate to your experience with Children's Faith Formation during the 2019-2020 school year.

  Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree N/A
My child(ren)'s experience(s) in the weekly/monthly sessions was/were engaging.
My child(ren) is/are learning that Jesus loves him/her unconditionally.
My child(ren) is/are building a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Children's Faith Formation has made an impact within my child(ren)'s daily prayer life.
Children's Faith Formation encourages prayer within our home.
Our family attends Mass more regularly as a result of Children's Faith Formation.
The content within Children's Faith Formation is engaging.
The projects are helpful in learning lessons within my child(ren)'s grade level(s).
The take-home materials are appropriate.
My child(ren) is/are fully prepared to celebrate each sacrament.
The initial parent meeting was helpful and provided sufficient information.
The sacramental preparation meetings were meaningful.
Communication from the Children's Faith Formation team was clear and concise.
Communication from the Children's Faith Formation team was timely.

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* 5. What are your expectations Children's Faith Formation? Please select all that apply.

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* 6. How confident are you as a parent to teach your child(ren) about the Catholic faith?

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* 7. How often do you (or another family member) review and/or discuss the Child(ren)'s Faith Formation lessons with your child(ren)?

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* 8. Please rate your level of agreement as it relates to the use of the Gospel Weekly series.

  Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
Gospel Weekly increased our connection to the Gospel.
Gospel Weekly inspired conversation at home about the Gospel.
Gospel Weekly empowered us to teach our faith at home.
Gospel Weekly increased my awareness about what my child(ren) was(were) learning during Faith Formation.
Gospel Weekly increased my engagement with Children's Faith Formation.

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* 9. What are some obstacles to attending Mass?

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* 10. Please share any suggestions you have to increase Mass attendance.

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* 11. Please share your thoughts about what went well, and what could have been better within Children's Faith Formation this year (2019-2020). Please reference the program in which you participated. 

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* 12. Please share any additional thoughts about your experience with, and expectations of, Children's Faith Formation.

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* 13. St. Joseph Faith Formation Advisory Council is seeking parent representation.  The council meets 4-5 times throughout the year. Meetings are typically one hour on Wednesday mornings.  Since all survey results are anonymous, we ask that you provide your contact information below if you are interested in learning more about serving on the Faith Formation Advisory Council.