The Volunteer Florida Champion of Service Award was established in 2013 by Volunteer Florida to honor individuals and groups for their outstanding efforts and contributions in the realm of volunteer service and passion to serve their community.

Award Eligibility:
The Volunteer Florida Champion of Service Award may be given to an individual or group (informal, organization, agency, educational, government or business) who meets the criteria below.

Criteria for Recognition:
• Demonstrates excellence in volunteerism, community service, national service, civic, social or corporate responsibility
• Creative utilization of people, resources and opportunities
• Role in advocating for volunteerism in local community
• Outstanding contribution to community service efforts
• Honorable commitment to volunteer service

Nominations for the Volunteer Florida Champion of Service Award are accepted throughout the year.

Question Title

* 1. Nominator - Tell us about you:

Question Title

* 2. Nominee - Tell us about your nominee:

Question Title

* 3. Please tell us about your nominee (500 words max.):

ACTION: What does your nominee do?
NEED: What community need(s) does your nominee address?
IMPACT: What is different as a result of your nominee's service?
INSPIRATION: What makes your nominee unique/special?

Question Title

* 4. References - As a part of the nomination process, references must be provided to verify the scope and extent of the nominee's activities. References should be persons familiar with the community services activities for which the nomination is made and should not include the nominee or any person related to the nominee.

Please provide contact information for one reference below: