Montage of Solar System - NASA/JPL
Dear After School Educator,
Thank you for your interest in providing feedback to the Boston Children's Museum regarding a new set of NASA-related activities and Beyond the Chalkboard website! Educators willing to try out at least 5 activities with students and fill out an online feedback form afterward are eligible to receive a FREE Galileoscope and additional NASA print materials to use with their youth. (Most activities take approximately 45 minutes to complete, and are optimized for elementary and middle-school aged youth)

Fill out this brief form and we'll get back to you with instructions on how to provide your feedback!

Evaluation Team
Our Sky Project
Boston Children's Museum


Question Title

* 1. Contact Information

Question Title

* 2. By what date do you think you will be able to test 5 activities with children in your after school group?

Thank you for your interest in providing feedback on Beyond the Chalkboard's new NASA related activities. Educators who sign up to test these activities will be eligible for a free Galileoscope, and other NASA related materials. We will email you instructions for testing the activities, and contact you at the end of your selected month with a link to the activity feedback form.