Certainty 2024 Feedback Survey Question Title * 1. How did you learn about the event? Email Certara Contact Invite Social Media Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. Why are you attending Certainty? (Check all that apply) Networking Interest in Event Topics Meet the Certara team Product Education Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. What is your overall level of satisfaction with the event? Very satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Question Title * 4. Please rate your overall level of satisfaction with the following aspects of the event. Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Length of event Length of event Very Satisfied Length of event Satisfied Length of event Neutral Length of event Dissatisfied Length of event Very Dissatisfied Location Location Very Satisfied Location Satisfied Location Neutral Location Dissatisfied Location Very Dissatisfied Speakers Speakers Very Satisfied Speakers Satisfied Speakers Neutral Speakers Dissatisfied Speakers Very Dissatisfied Presentations Presentations Very Satisfied Presentations Satisfied Presentations Neutral Presentations Dissatisfied Presentations Very Dissatisfied Food Food Very Satisfied Food Satisfied Food Neutral Food Dissatisfied Food Very Dissatisfied UGM/Workshop UGM/Workshop Very Satisfied UGM/Workshop Satisfied UGM/Workshop Neutral UGM/Workshop Dissatisfied UGM/Workshop Very Dissatisfied Networking time Networking time Very Satisfied Networking time Satisfied Networking time Neutral Networking time Dissatisfied Networking time Very Dissatisfied Client Appreciation Reception Client Appreciation Reception Very Satisfied Client Appreciation Reception Satisfied Client Appreciation Reception Neutral Client Appreciation Reception Dissatisfied Client Appreciation Reception Very Dissatisfied Question Title * 5. How likely are you to attend this event again? Very likely Likely Neutral Unlikely Very unlikely Question Title * 6. How likely are you to recommend this event to a friend or colleague? Very likely Likely Neutral Unlikely Very unlikely Question Title * 7. What was your favorite presentation? Question Title * 8. What was your least favorite presentation? Question Title * 9. Any overall feedback for the event? Question Title * 10. Interested in speaking at Certainty 2025? If so, please enter your email below. Question Title * 11. Would you like to receive the Certara presentations post-event? Yes No Question Title * 12. If yes, please provide your email: Done