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Central US Route 1 Neighborhood Compatibility Study
The Prince George’s County Planning Department is kicking off a community engagement and corridor planning initiative to assess the compatibility of the 2022 Zoning Ordinance with desired land uses. This evaluation will focus on economic growth, housing stability, and environmental sustainability in the North College Park area. The study will analyze development activity, existing land use patterns, economic threats challenges and opportunities, environmental considerations, flooding, traffic issues, and community perspectives on the future growth of impacted neighborhoods, particularly along the Route 1/Baltimore Ave corridor, Autoville Drive, and in the Hollywood Commercial District.
The study will make recommendations for land uses and development patterns compatible with future growth and the existing neighborhood character of the Study Area. It will also recommend strategies that bolster economic growth, urban design interventions that enhance walkability, infrastructure improvements, and environmental protection strategies. Community input is critical to shaping the future of this project and it ensures that recommendations reflect resident interests.
To learn more about this study and other opportunities to engage visit the Central US 1 Neighborhood Compatibility Study webpage: This survey should take about 10 minutes to complete. All information collected here will be anonymous, and all questions are optional. The survey will be open until early November.
Please submit your responses before the survey closes. Please spread the word and share the survey link with your neighbors, relatives, colleagues, and any other stakeholders that live, work or play in the Study Area.
Note: The map above shows the specific boundaries of the Study Area (outlined in red). The isolated red outline in the upper right is the Hollywood Commercial District.
If the answers provided don’t perfectly address your thoughts, please answer to the best of your ability. In some cases, you will be asked to select only one option, in some cases exactly three options, and in some cases all that applies (Only select the choices you support and leave the others blank). Although you may want to select more, this will help us understand priorities. There is an opportunity at the end of the survey to add additional comments, if desired.