Welcome to the Casco Township Survey!

Thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey! The survey is designed to take approximately 5-10 minutes and is comprised of questions that will give us a comprehensive overview of what you feel is most important in your community.

Your responses to the additional demographic questions will not affect the other parts of your survey. Demographic data helps Casco Township ensure that the responses are reflective of the entire community.

Question Title

1. Do you own property within Casco Township?

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2. How long have you lived in the Township? Does not have to be continuous, please add up only the time that you have lived within the municipal limits.

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3. What is your age?

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4. How would you feel about living in the Township for the next 5-10 years?

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5. Over the past five years, do you believe the quality of life in the Township has improved, stayed about the same, or declined? Why?

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6. The following chart seeks input regarding your perception of various topics within the Township. If you feel that the category is a contributing factor to the Township, please indicate that contribution is positive, neutral, or negative.
Example: If you perceive housing is affordable within the Township, you might mark “positive”. If you perceive housing to be less attainable (non-affordable), you might mark “negative”.

  Positive Neutral Negative
Housing affordability
Culture / History of the area
Area schools
Public beach access
Parks and recreation options
Close to shopping needs
Access to higher education
Public safety (police and fire)
Public transportation and accessibility
Dining and entertainment options
Appearance of neighborhoods
Activities, festivals, and events
Diversity of the community
Condition of public facilities (parks, public buildings, etc.)
Distance to employment opportunities
Non-motorized transportation (bike paths, sidewalks, etc.)
Housing availability
Access to Wi-Fi / High speed internet
Access to reliable cell service
Appearance of businesses
Traffic volume
Truck traffic
Access to utilities (water, sewer, gas, etc.)
Road maintenance

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7. What could be improved about the Township? Check all that apply.

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8. Do you have other concerns that are not listed above?

For each housing type listed below, please indicate whether you feel Casco Township needs more, less, or has the right amount of it.

Question Title

Large sized single-family housing (>2,500 sq. ft)

Large sized single-family housing (>2,500 sq. ft)

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9. Does Casco Township need more, less, or have the right amount of large-sized single family homes?

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Medium sized single-family housing (1,500 sq. ft - 2,500 sq. ft.)

Medium sized single-family housing (1,500 sq. ft - 2,500 sq. ft.)

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10. Does Casco Township need more, less, or have the right amount of medium-sized single family homes?

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Small sized single-family housing (<1,500 sq. ft.)

Small sized single-family housing (&lt;1,500 sq. ft.)

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11. Does Casco Township need more, less, or have the right amount of small-sized single family homes?

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Duplex (2-unit structure)

Duplex (2-unit structure)

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12. Does Casco Township need more, less, or have the right amount of duplexes?

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Triplex (3-unit structure)

Triplex (3-unit structure)

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13. Does Casco Township need more, less, or have the right amount of triplexes?

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Quadplex (4-unit structure)

Quadplex (4-unit structure)

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14. Does Casco Township need more, less, or have the right amount of quadplexes?

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Attached townhouses or row houses

Attached townhouses or row houses

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15. Does Casco Township need more, less, or have the right amount of attached townhouses or row homes?

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Apartment-style housing

Apartment-style housing

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16. Does Casco Township need more, less, or have the right amount of apartment-style housing?

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Senior living facilities

Senior living facilities

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17. Does Casco Township need more, less, or have the right amount of senior living facilities?

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Micro-housing (less than 500 sq. ft.)

Micro-housing (less than 500 sq. ft.)

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18. Does Casco Township need more, less, or have the right amount of micro housing?

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Accessory dwellings (grandparent flats, in-law suites, and rooms for rent within a house, above garage, etc.)

Accessory dwellings (grandparent flats, in-law suites, and rooms for rent within a house, above garage, etc.)

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19. Does Casco Township need more, less, or have the right amount of accessory dwellings?

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20. Please rate the following as a need for the future for Casco Township.

  Positive Neutral Negative No Opinion
Commercial scale alternative energy (solar, wind, battery storage)
Commercial development (i.e. retail, restaurant, office)
Investment in Township parks
Agri-tourism (i.e. winery, cidery, farm market, farmers market)
Businesses, neighborhood services (i.e. repair shop, personal service)
Encourage food service businesses
Home-based businesses
Lodging (i.e. B&B, resort, camping)

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21. Thank you for completing the survey! We appreciate you taking the time to provide feedback. If you would like to receive updates on the Master Plan project, please provide your email address below.