We are so glad you are interested in the Church Cares ministry for your church community. We hold regular interest meetings so that you can talk with us about what it could look like for your church to engage this ministry.

Who should attend this? The person who is interested in leading the ministry at the church should attend, along with anyone at the church who has decision-making ability. Multiple church leaders are welcome.

How long will it last? We stick to an hour

What is the meeting agenda? We will give a brief overview of the program, and then walk through the decisions your church would make before beginning Church Cares Ministry. We will have lots of time for questions and answers.

Question Title

* 1. Which Date will you attend?

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* 2. Your name:

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* 4. Your Phone number

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* 5. Name of your church

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* 6. City/ Location of your church

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* 7. Please describe some of the demographics of your church body, so we can get to know you. General age groups, races, etc.

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* 8. Size of your church body (if you are a multi-site church and considering for all sites then include size of all sites.)

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* 9. What is your role in your church

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* 10. When are you thinking about starting a Church Cares ministry at your church

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* 11. Who would be the decision maker in your church for adopting this ministry?

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* 12. How did you hear about us?

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* 13. Question/s you have for us now?

Thank you for registering and sharing information about you and your church.

If others from your church would like to attend, encourage them to also register with us so we can send them a link to the meeting.

The meeting will be at our Zoomroom: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/7573524368 Meeting ID 7573524368
This link is also located on the homepage of our website: www.thechurchcares.com

See you soon!