Survey on Opportunities for Career-Focused Students

In 2018, NJSBA released the Final Report of the Task Force on Educational Opportunities for the Non-College-Bound Learner. This year NJSBA President Karen Cortellino, M.D. has convened a committee to update the 2018 report.

As part of this effort, we are sending out a brief survey about the topic. Please take a few minutes to share your insights on this subject.

There is room after each question to elaborate on your district’s experiences.

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* 1. I am a:

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* 2. My school district is:

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* 3. Has your district added or expanded career and technical education programs since 2018?

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* 4. If yes, please provide details on program additions.

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* 5. What improvements or changes would you like to see in career and technical education?

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* 6. Do you think attitudes towards career and technical education are changing?

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* 7. If you do think attitudes toward career and technical education are changing, how are they changing?

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* 8. Does your district offer certificates or programs that offer college credits (other than AP courses)?

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* 9. If you answered yes, please describe the certifications or programs.

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* 10. If your district works with local businesses to provide opportunities for career and technical education, please provide details below.

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* 11. If your district works with higher education or other partners to provide opportunities for career and technical education, please describe the programs below.

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* 12. Would you be willing to discuss your district's career and technical education programs further? If so, please provide contact information below.