Question Title

* 1. Registrant Details

Question Title

* 2. Program Details

Question Title

* 3. How many participants in each program? (please insert number)

Question Title

* 4. Location of Training

Question Title

* 5. Participant 1 Details

Question Title

* 6. Participant 2 Details

Question Title

* 7. Participant 3 Details

Question Title

* 8. Please complete  for any additional participants:

Question Title

* 9. Additional Comments

Question Title

* 10. How did you find out about CareCFO Disability Finance Seminars

Question Title


Payment for your registration is required 14 days before the seminar date, unless special arrangements have been made with us. Our preferred payment method is via EFT. We provide the option to pay by credit card or BPAY when we send the invoice to you for payment. 

Cancellations with full refunds will be accepted where at least 14 days remain in advance of a seminar. We are unable to accept cancellations after that time as we are then committed, based on participant registrations, for the venue hire, the costs and preparation of the seminar materials, the presenters' fees and their travel and accommodation expenses. However, the course notes (on USB) will be sent to absentee participants. Substitute participants are always welcome. Credits for future seminars will not be granted.

Payment will still be required for registered delegates who fail to attend the seminar without cancellation within the 14 day time frame. However, the course notes will be provided (on  USB). Credits for future seminars are not granted.


All our seminars are an interactive workshop style. Participants are provided with a USB with all the course information on it.  It is recommended that each participant bring a lap top with USB port. Questions from course participants are very much encouraged and welcomed.

Location: The seminar location will be advised to participants two weeks before the event. We generally facilitate our programs in hotels, clubs or universities. 

Refreshments are provided for all programs. Lunch is not provided within our seminar programs as they are all half day programs. Assisted Access is generally available.

Comfortable air conditioning  depends on the individual. So, if you think you might find the temperature too cool, bring a jacket or jumper for your comfort.