Downtown - Online Community Survey

Thank you for participating!
The Town of Candor is having a master plan prepared for future improvements to downtown. Through site analysis and public input, this plan will assess the current conditions of the Downtown Area, and develop a shared community Vision that will guide future improvements. These improvements will be primarily along Main Street from Ewing Street to just south of S Whiskey Road.  This Vision will become the foundation for an enhanced Downtown that improves the pedestrian experience, promotes walkability and safe access, and fosters economic development in Downtown Candor.

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* 1. Do you live in the Town of Candor?

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* 2. If you answered yes, how long have you lived in Candor?

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* 3. What is your primary reason for going downtown?

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* 4. What age group do you represent?

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* 5. Prior to this survey, were you aware of the Downtown Master Plan Project?

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* 6. Are you a business or property owner in Downtown Candor?

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* 7. What do you think should be the TOP 5 priorities for Downtown Candor?  (Choose 5)

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* 8. Based on your TOP 5 from the previous question, Place those in order of Priority.

  1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Aesthetic Improvements (Street trees, landscaping, etc.)
Public Amenities (Benches, trashcans, lighting, etc.)
Pedestrian Connections to Surrounding Neighborhoods
Stormwater & Drainage Improvements
Utilitity improvements (Electrical, water, sewer, etc.)
Accessibility (ADA Compliance)
Downtown Parks and Open Spaces
Pedestrian Safety
Bicycle Safety
Wayfinding and Signage
Public Art
Historic Interpretation

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* 9. What do you think are the most important Safety considerations for Downtown Candor? Please Rank from 1-5, with 1 being the most important and 5 being the least important.

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* 10. Which design features would be most beneficial for Pedestrians in Downtown Candor? (Select your top 4 and rank them in order of priority).

  1st  2nd 3rd 4th
Wider sidewalks
ADA Accessibility improvements
More places to sit
Improved lighting
Wayfinding and signage
Traffic calming measures (e.g. medians, raised crosswalks or curb bump-outs)
Improved crosswalks
Enhanced landscaping

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* 11. Which design features would be most beneficial for Businesses in Downtown Candor (Select your top 4 and rank them in order of priority).

  1st 2nd 3rd 4th
Wider sidewalks
ADA accessibility improvements
More places to sit
Improved lighting
Additional street trees and landscaping
Wayfinding and signage
Utility upgrades
Stormwater improvements
Traffic calming measures (e.g. medians, raised crosswalks or curb bump-outs)
Parking improvements
Bicycle accommodations

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* 12. Do you support the addition of Public Art in Downtown Candor?

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* 13. If you answered yes to Question 12, please select which elements you would like to see in Downtown Candor. (Please select all that apply.)

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* 14. Please indicate a low, moderate or high priority on each of the following downtown enhancement efforts

  Low Moderate High
Restore and preserve the downtown’s historic character
Improve the area’s streets
Improve the area’s sidewalks
Improve lighting
Improve furnishings
Improve / increase green / civic spaces
Create a more accommodating space for events and festivals

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* 15. What is the first thing you would do to improve downtown?

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* 16. What is the one thing that you love most or that you would never change about downtown?

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* 17. Please name another downtown streetscape that you enjoy visiting. Also why do you enjoy visiting there?

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* 18. Any other comments or suggestions?