Camp TV Viewer Survey 2023

We would like to get your feedback about Camp TV. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey.
1.How would you rate Camp TV?
2.How would you describe Camp TV to a friend?
3.Who in your household/family watches Camp TV? (Check all that apply.)
4.How old are your children who watch Camp TV? (Check all that apply.)
5.How often do you and/or your family watch Camp TV?
6.What do you and your family like best about Camp TV?
7.Which Camp TV segment(s) do you and your family like best? Check your favorites.
8.Have you and/or your family learned something new from Camp TV?
9.What is one suggestion for making Camp TV better?
10.How likely are you to do the following?
Not likely
Very Likely
Recommend Camp TV to someone
Watch more episodes of Camp TV
Do an activity that was featured in Camp TV
Talk about something I learned on Camp TV
11.Did you or your family explore the Camp TV Website? (Check all that apply.)
12.How would you rate the Camp TV website?
13.Which of the following did you or your family do on the Camp TV website? (Check all that apply.)
14.What category best describes you?
15.What is your local PBS Station?
16.Where do you watch Camp TV? (Check all that apply.)
17.Please add any additional comments about Camp TV below.
Thank you for completing this survey.