Survey: Canadian Mental Health Professionals on Gender Affirming Care

1.Do you work with children or adolescents who have a stated gender identity that does not match their sex, who have or have signs of gender dysphoria or are gender questioning?  *If “yes” please continue through the survey, if “no” please skip ahead to the end of the survey to leave your comments. Thank you.
2.In which Canadian province or territory do you currently practice your Mental Health profession?
3.What is your profession within the Mental Health Care Community?
4.In your province, are you required by law or policy to affirm the stated gender identity of the children and adolescents you work with?
5.If you answered yes to question 4, do you agree with the law/policy that requires you to affirm the stated gender identities of the children and adolescents you work with?
6.If you answered no to question 5, have you taken steps to push back or voice your concerns against these laws/policies?
7.Are you licensed or permitted within your professional designation to prescribe gender affirming medications to the children or adolescents you work with (ie. GnRH Agonists, also known as Puberty Blockers; Testosterone or Estrogen injections)?
8.Are you licensed or permitted within your professional designation to make written recommendations for gender affirming surgeries (ie. bilateral mastectomy; vaginoplasty; phalloplasty) for the children or adolescents you work with?
9.Approximately how many of the children and adolescents that you work with have a stated gender identity that does not match their sex, have or have signs of gender dysphoria, or are gender questioning?
10.Based on your answer from question 9, approximately how many of those children and adolescents have you prescribed gender affirming medications for (ie. GnRH Agonists, also known as Puberty Blockers; Testosterone or Estrogen injections)?
11.Again, based on your answer from question 9, approximately how many of those children and adolescents have you written recommendations for gender affirming surgeries for (ie. bilateral mastectomy; vaginoplasty; phalloplasty)?
12.Once again, based on your answer to question 9, approximately how many of those children and adolescents have other diagnosed or suspected mental health concerns or conditions?
13.Based on your answer to question 12, please check the other diagnosed or suspected mental health concerns or conditions pertaining to those children and adolescents.
14.For the children and adolescents you work with how effective has gender affirming mental health care been in improving their mental health?
15.For the children and adolescents you work with how effective have gender affirming medications (ie. GnRH Agonists, also known as Puberty Blockers; Testosterone or Estrogen injections) been in improving their mental health?
16.For the children and adolescents you work with how effective have gender affirming surgeries (ie. bilateral mastectomy; vaginoplasty; phalloplasty) been in improving their mental health?
17.For the children and adolescents you work with, approximately how long after they begin to receive gender affirming medications (ie. GnRH Agonists, also known as Puberty Blockers; Testosterone or Estrogen injections) do you typically have follow up contact?
18.For the children and adolescents you work with, approximately how long after they have had gender affirming surgery (ie. bilateral mastectomy; vaginoplasty; phalloplasty) do you typically have follow up contact?
19.Presently, how comfortable are you in your profession in regard to Gender Affirming Care in Canada?
20.As a mental health care professional, would you welcome a systematic review of the Gender Affirming Care model currently used in Canada?
21.Please use this space to add your comments.