Informed Consent

This is a research study about how individuals who are transgender experience anger, irritability, and aggression. As part of this study, you will be asked to answer questions about how you experience these emotions. The questions will be multiple choice and fill-in the blank.

Participating in this study may cause emotional risks or discomfort from recalling negative emotions in relation to the experience of being transgender and coming out to loved ones. Otherwise, there are no known risks or discomforts. If you do have any adverse stress or reactions to thinking about your personal experiences of anger, you may contact the National Mental Health Hotline, via phone call at 866-210-1303. For additional resources, you may contact the Transgender Lifeline, via phone at 877-565-8860. We will not ask for any personal identifying information as a part of the research study, except for your preferred method of contact to schedule the interview. You may also gain more insight into your experience with the above concepts by completing the survey.
Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. Additionally, once you start the study, you are free to withdraw at any time without penalty.

The information/data you provide for this research will be treated confidentially, and all raw data will be kept in a secured file by the principal investigator. Results of the research will only be reported as a combined summary of data from all participants, and no individually identifiable information will be presented.

You also have the right to review the results of the research if you wish to do so. A copy of the results may be obtained by contacting the principal investigator at the address below:

Mariah Shipley, MS.,

I understand that this research study has been reviewed and Certified by the Institutional Review Board, Antioch University, Seattle. For research-related problems or questions regarding participants’ rights, I can contact Antioch University Seattle’s Institutional Board Chair, Kevin Lyness,, 603-283-2149.

If you have any questions please contact the Primary Investigator:

Primary Investigator:
Mariah Shipley, MS.
Antioch University Seattle Doctoral Student

Faculty Supervisor:
Michael Toohey, Ph.D.
I understand that this research study has been reviewed and Certified by the Institutional Review Board, Antioch University, Seattle. For research-related problems or questions regarding participants' rights, I can contact Antioch University’s Institutional Board Chair, Melissa Kennedy, Ph.D. at

Question Title

* 1. I have read and understand the information explaining the purpose of this reseaerch and my rights and respoinsiblities as a participant.

By checking "I agree", I give my consent to participate in this research study, according to the terms and conditions outlined above. I also confirm that I am over the age of 18.