Question Title

* 1. Please provide the following information so that we may contact you:

Question Title

* 2. A few respondents well be selected to complete a pre task paying an additional $50.00, approx 30 min of homework, it will be a word document and then can send to us the completed doc with pictures by email.

Assume the client will want pictures of the shampoo and conditioner you are using in this pre task.

If selected do you agree to do the pre task ?

Question Title

* 3. What is your gender?

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* 4. What are the topics, if any, of all the market research studies you have participated in, and how long ago did you participate in them?

Question Title

* 5. What is your employment status?

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* 6. What is your occupation/job title, and what industry do you work in?

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* 7. What is your age?

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* 8. What is your race or ethnicity?

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* 9. How long have you lived in the USA?

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* 10. Among the following list of products, which ones do you decide and purchase for yourself and use?

Question Title

* 11. Do you have irritation/allergy on the scalp, such as hair loss, dandruff, eczema with specific medical treatment which results in using specific hair care products?

Question Title

* 12. Where do MAINLY purchase your hair care products?

Please only choose 1 or 2 that you MAINLY purchase from....

Question Title

* 13. How often do you wash your hair?

Question Title

* 14. Among the following hair care products, please list the BRAND & NAME of the products you use, and which you use most often.......

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* 15. I’m going to read you a list of brands, please let me know if there is any brand you would never consider buying or buying again in the future?

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* 16. Using the photo above, how is your hair naturally?

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* 17. How do you do your hair everyday, in a regular day?

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* 18. What type of hair do you have (Very Dry, Dry, Normal, etc.)?

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* 19. What is the length of your hair?

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* 20. How damaged would you say your hair is, if at all?

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* 21. Please think of a moment or a place in your life when you felt a tremendous experience? How did you feel? Please describe all the emotions you had?

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* 22. Do you have daily access to a computer or laptop with high-speed internet access? By computer, we mean a traditional laptop or desktop machine, NOT a mobile device like a Smartphone. This study will require you to use a computer to participate.

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* 23. We won’t accept you if you join with a smartphone – can you confirm that this is understood this and that you will attend the group with a laptop or tablet?

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* 24. Will you be able to join 10-15 minutes prior the actual start to make sure we start on time? Will you be able to check that your video and microphone work before attending the group?

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* 25. Will you be able to attend the group in a quiet place, with a good Internet connection? (not in the car, not at the gym…)

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* 26. We will ask you to send a photo of your hair to us to confirm the hair type, etc.

Are you able to do that?

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* 27. What Dates/Times would you be available for the study using Microsoft Teams? Select all that apply...

Times are listed in Eastern Time Zone.....