Building Trauma-Informed, Equitable Systems

Snohomish County Human Services, Behavioral Health & Veterans Division, is offering an opportunity to Snohomish County public schools to participate in a program to build the framework of a trauma-informed District. These robust consultation services are in partnership with Continua Consulting Group LLC
The goals of implementing trauma-informed practices (TIP)/T-MTSS in whole districts as well as individual schools are:
  • Increased system knowledge and capacity for implementing MTSS
  • Increased knowledge of trauma-informed and evidence-based practices for leadership
  • Increased system use of data and implementation science practice
  • Increased teacher and leader capacity to select, implement, and measure trauma-informed interventions based on student and staff needs
  • Increased leader and teacher use of social-emotional learning (SEL) perceptual data (i.e. Panorama) to inform school SEL, equity, and culturally responsive interventions
  • Increased student sense of belonging & self competency
  • Increased teaching time
  • Increased staff wellness & retention
  • Focus on student & adult social-emotional learning
  • Focus on culturally responsive and equitable practices
  • Increased teacher collaboration practices for student-centered instruction (collective efficacy)
  • Decreased exclusionary discipline & decreased absenteeism
  • Increased knowledge and structures to manage behaviors
  • Meet state, District, and individual school goals
  • Sustainable, systemic change
  • And others

The first year of District-level work, also known as "Year Zero", is focused on a baseline, in-depth needs assessment of current T-MTSS practices, supported by Continua Consulting Group along with central office and building administration, and a multi-disciplinary steering committee. The District will receive consultation and professional development on T-MTSS leadership components and will work with Continua to develop an implementation plan to begin the second year of consultation (or "Year One"). 

Funding priorities for 2022 are as follows: 1) District-level work for whole District systems; 2) new individual schools from Lake Stevens, Marysville, and Monroe school districts; and 3) current schools seeking an additional year of support or schools within a District currently involved and applying for new District-level work. 

Monetary and in-kind expectations are laid out in question #10 below. 

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* 1. School District

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* 2. Is your District currently receiving consultation services from Continua Consulting Group, either at the District or school level?
If yes, please complete the survey for CURRENT participating schools/Districts, found here.

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* 3. Describe why the District is interested in working with a consultant to build trauma-informed practices and implement T-MTSS. What steps have already been taken to prepare for this work (i.e. previous trainings, book groups, current use of SEL curricula, equity and inclusion efforts, etc)? Please be specific.

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* 4. What goals and deliverables would the District like to focus on with this work, with support from Continua? This may include certain deliverables (i.e. specific trainings) with focus on both short and long-term policy/system/culture changes. Include how this would impact outcomes for your students and community.

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* 5. Please describe any current or future barriers to implementing trauma-informed practices within the District/school. Please be specific.

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* 6. Are there current practices that the District utilizes that may not align with trauma-informed practices? If yes, how will leadership at the district level support the transition towards trauma-informed practices?

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* 7. Please describe the methods to ensure sustainability of trauma-informed practices within the District/school after the consultation has ended. 

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* 8. How will the school board be kept apprised of this work?

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* 9. We acknowledge that District-level consultation is an initial 3-year commitment, understanding this allows for in-depth assessment, planning, and beginning implementation and system change. 
Individual schools within a new District are eligible to apply for consultation services after the first year of District work.

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* 10. We acknowledge the fiscal and in-kind responsibility of this partnership with Snohomish County and Continua Consulting Group. The fiscal responsibility for this work is $18,000 per year of District level work, and $5,000 per year of school-level work. Costs are payable in four (4) month installments through the end of the Agreement; prepayment is allowed.

In-kind costs may include space, supplies and materials, stipends for certificated and classified committee members, etc. This may include the cost for subsequent years of District-wide Panorama after the first year of partnership.

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* 11. I acknowledge the District's superintendent and all other required parties are supportive of this partnership with Snohomish County Human Services and Continua Consulting Group.

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* 12. Contact information for person completing this form.