This survey will ask you questions about the City of York Council Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Strategy. You can find a copy of this here:

Or you can contact our customer services department on 01904 551550 and we can send you a copy.

Strategy Amendment:
An error in the Draft EDI Strategy, signed off for consultation at a meeting of Executive on 18 April 2024, whereby the term ‘gender’ was used rather than the legally protected characteristic ‘sex’.

This has been amended and we are consulting on the amended version.
Protected Characteristics
In this document we will refer to the term ‘Protected Characteristics’.

The Equality Act 2010 identifies nine “protected characteristics” to describe different groups of people in our community where evidence shows there is a significant discrimination in employment, provision of goods and access to services such as education and health.

People with Protected Characteristics are protected from discrimination, bullying and harassment under the Equality Act 2020.
They are:

  • age
  • disability
  • gender reassignment
  • marriage and civil partnership
  • pregnancy and maternity
  • race
  • religion or belief
  • sex
  • sexual orientation
You can find out more on the Equality and Human Rights website:
Equality and Equity
Throughout this document we refer to the term ‘equity’ rather than ‘equality’.
Equality presumes that all people should be treated the same.

However, equity has a different approach.

Equity is about the fair treatment for all people, so that strategies, policies, procedures and practices that are being implemented ensure that protected characteristic identity is not predictive of life chances, opportunities and outcomes.

Equity takes into consideration a person’s or a community’s protected characteristics and promotes the adjustments to service or employment practice to ensure that the outcome is equal.

Equity recognises that structures, bias and lack of opportunities lead to disadvantage.
Other ways to complete this survey

You can get help to assist with completing this survey online:
You can request a paper copy of the survey:
  • Call us: to email, or send you a copy in the post, contact our Customer Services Team on: 01904 551550 or email:
  • Pick up: You can pick up a paper copy from any Explore Library or at West Office.
How to return your paper copy:
  • Scan and email: Complete, scan and email your response to:
  • Drop off: Hand in the completed form at any Explore Library or drop into the post box at West Office.
  • Paid return envelope: Call our Customer Services team on 01904 551550 to request a freepost return envelope.
  • Return by freepost: CYC EDI Strategy, Freepost RTEG-TYYU-KLTZ, CYC, West Office, Station Rise, York YO1 6GA

This consultation closes on the 3rd March 2025.
Our survey asks for some personal information which you may choose not to give. We do not publish or share any information which can identify you. Please read our privacy notice to find out more about how we protect your personal information. We will ask for your consent to this at the start of the survey.

You can withdraw your consent at any time by contacting

Question Title

* 1. Do you confirm that you have read and understood the privacy notice? You must select ‘Yes’ in order to take the survey.

7% of survey complete.