The purpose of this survey is to collect opinions from the trans, genderqueer, and detransitioned community about a phenomena called "detransitioning". It is a real and complex phenomena that hasn't been defined well in academic literature. Our goal is to arrive at words that accurately describe the experiences of the trans and the detransitioned community without judgement about those experiences. 

Please feel free to share this survey with people you know who are affected by these words.

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* 1. How would you describe your gender identity?

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* 2. What does "detransitioning" mean to you?

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* 4. Would you consider yourself to have "detransitioned"?

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* 5. A recent article proposed new words for "detransitioning", seeing it as two different experiences:

Gender reidentification
Where a person chooses to re-identify with the gender they were assigned at birth. This definition most resembles the classic definition of detransitioning. 

Circumstantial retransitioning
This is a situation specific, the person would not be in transition with their gender if not for X. It has four components:
Length -- permanent vs temporary 
Agency -- Voluntary vs coercive
What's in transition -- Identity vs presentation
Reason --  medical, social, political, reproductive
(example: "voluntary reproductive retransitioning" for someone who stopped hormones to have a child)

Do these categories feel accurate to your experience?

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* 6. Expand on your answer (if you wish to):

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* 7. Another article also proposed that there are two types of detransitioning. They categorized them as:

Core detransition
A person who shifted their identity. They no longer consider themselves part of the trans or genderqueer community. This definition most resembles the classic definition of detransitioning. 

Non-core detransition
A person whose identities remains part of the community, but due to outside reasons (such as adverse reaction to medication or social circumstances) would also be considered detransitioned by a classic definition. 

Do these categories feel accurate to your experiences?

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* 8. Expand on your answers (if you wish to):

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* 9. Do you have a preference for the terms used to describe these two different types of experiences?

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* 10. In general would you say that you have a lot of trans or genderqueer friends (who still identify as trans or genderqueer)?

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* 11. As part of "circumstantial retransitioning"

These are a few reasons that a person may "retransition":

Access (ex, lack of medical insurance)
Medical (ex, hormones do not agree with your body)
Political (ex, it is not safe to be seen as their gender in the political climate)
Relational (ex, "retransitions" during family gatherings) 
Reproductive (ex, to collect viable sperm)
Sexual (ex, to role play or act out on a specific fetish)
Social (ex, to work at a specific job)

Do you know of other circumstances someone may choose to unidentify as trans or genderqueer:

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* 12. Given these new categories, would you consider yourself to have gone through gender reidentification or circumstantial reidentification? 

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* 13. Expand on your answer (if you wish):

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* 14. Anything else you'd like to say?