Expression of Interest to GippSport's Good Governance Workshop

GippSport has received funding through “Change Our Game” for the Regional Governance (CoGRG) program which is designed to strengthen sporting communities through building the knowledge, skills, and abilities of women in communities to confidently accept leadership positions in sporting organisations.

If you would like to participate in this FREE Good Governance training, we are asking that you please complete our short survey to tell us when and how you would like to undertake the training.

For more information, please visit our website; or contact Michelle Harris
1.Full Name:(Required.)
3.Phone Number:
4.What Club / Associations are you from?
6.Do you hold a current board position within your club/association?(Required.)
7.What type of training are you interested in?(Required.)
8.What location would best suit a facilitated workshop?  Tick all that apply(Required.)
9.What is your preferred day to attend the workshop?  Tick all that apply(Required.)
10.What is your preferred time to attend a workshop? Tick all that apply(Required.)
11.How many hours would you be willing to give for a facilitated session? 
Tick all that apply
Current Progress,
0 of 11 answered