The Ministry of Education supports teachers and specialists to develop their skills in working with children and young people with additional learning needs.

We offer Learning Support study awards for teachers in early learning services and schools as well as scholarships to support people undertaking specific specialist courses.

Together, they help the Ministry ensure the ongoing availability of a workforce with the appropriate specialist skills, knowledge and qualifications to support children and young people with additional learning needs.

Check your eligibility before you apply.

Before completing your application, please double check if you are eligible for the study award you are applying for. You can check the eligibility for each award from the links below.

Please note you must have a bachelor's degree to be admitted for PG Diploma at Massey University.

Type of Award Application Opening Date Application Closing Date Notification Date
Blind and Low Vision Study Award 1 August 13 September 25 November
Complex Educational Needs Study Award 1 August 13 September 25 November
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Study Award 1 August 13 September 25 November
Gifted Study Award 1 August 13 September 25 November
Early Intervention Study Award 1 August 13 September 25 November

The Ministry of Education (the Ministry) collects the personal information you provide in this application form for the purposes of assessing your application and – if you are successful – administering your award.

Some questions in the application are for statistical purposes only – these are optional or allow you to respond with ‘prefer not to answer’. While we encourage you to answer these questions, choosing not to do so will not impact the assessment of your application. Some questions are required (marked with asterisks) – if you do not answer these questions your application will not be processed.

Your information will be securely held by the Ministry and will be deleted once no longer required. It will be confidentiality shared with panel members who assess applications, which may include sector experts external to the Ministry. If you are successful in being offered a learning support award the Ministry will inform your employer to support administration of the award and will subsequently contact your university to confirm your enrolment and successful completion of the courses.

You have the the right to request access to information the Ministry holds about you and to ask to have it corrected if it is wrong. If you would like to access information relevant to your application, or if you have any privacy questions, please contact the Advisor - Learning Support Study Awards and Scholarships.