The purpose of this poll is to determine how many people have trouble understanding our worship services at Thomson Funeral Home.

Thomson Funeral Home's worship space is a large room with an echo, which makes it difficult to clearly amplify the members of our congregation. We have attempted to improve things by purchasing new speakers and obtaining more "hearing assist" devices, but we know that some people continue to have difficulty understanding our worship services.

We are looking for your feedback on this issue. What is working? What isn't working? How can we support your needs better? Don't worry - this survey should take less than five minutes

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* 1. In the last 2-3 months while attending Hope Mennonite Church, have you been able to hear:

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* 2. If you experienced difficulties understanding the worship service, can you briefly comment about those difficulties (e.g. is the sound loud enough? Are presenters talking too quickly? Is there too much background noise?)

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* 3. Are you aware that Hope Mennonite has several hearing assist devices (i.e. portable units with headphones)?

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* 4. Have you used a hearing assist device? Was it effective for you? If not, why not?

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* 5. What age category are you in?

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* 6. Would you like to be followed up with directly to determine whether the hearing assist devices could work better for you or to provide comments on this issue to someone individually? If so, please input your name and email.

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* 7. Thank you for your input. Here is one more box if you have any other comments.