Website Survey

The national executive/board is always looking for ways to improve how members can access information. The website is a vital tool containing important information members can use for spiritual development, inspiration, and resources to better understand all the League has to offer. Ensuring the website is user-friendly to easily access information members are looking for is essential. To assist us in doing so, we ask that you answer the following questions.
1.Do you like how the present website looks?(Required.)
2.How visually appealing is the website?(Required.)
3.Which page do you like most?(Required.)
4.Which page do you like the least?(Required.)
5.How easy was it to find the information you were looking for on the website?(Required.)
6.Did it take more or less time than you expected to find what you were looking for on the website?(Required.)
7.How would you rate your experience using the League website?(Required.)
8.Overall, how well does the website meet your needs?(Required.)
9.Do you feel the website represents who we are and what we stand for?(Required.)
10.What do you think is the most important thing to convey to those that visit the site?(Required.)
11.When was the last time you used the website?(Required.)
12.Is there something you would like to see added to the website?(Required.)
13.What changes would you like to see made to the website?(Required.)
14.How long have you been a CWL member?(Required.)
15.Do you have any other comments on how the website can be improved?(Required.)