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* 1. Please provide your name and unit:

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* 2. What is your number one issue with COVID-19?

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* 3. Have you been exposed to COVID-19 at work, either by taking care of a positive patient, positive patient family member or positive co-worker?

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* 4. Have you tested positive for COVID-19?

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* 5. Is your current PPE supply adequate?

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* 6. What types of PPE do you have available in your unit/department?

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* 7. How often do you change out your PPE?

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* 8. If your PPE is soiled or damaged, do you have easy access to a replacement?

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* 9. If you are in an at risk or might be at risk category are you currently working with an accommodation?

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* 10. If you are in one of the high risk or might be at risk categories, did you see your family doctor and provide a note requesting an accommodation?

Thank you for taking the time to complete the survey. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Carmen Garrison, WSNA Nurse Representative,