We value your input!

We are currently engaged in a strategic planning process to help us focus our energies and efforts in a way that will best serve our mission and community. As part of that, we want to learn more about your experience of CWB and what is important to you. Please take a few minutes to share you thoughts here. All responses are anonymous. Survey deadline: Monday, August 12 at 9am.
Thank you for your participation and support of CWB!

Question Title

* 1. What first brought you to CWB? (please select all that apply)

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* 2. What keeps you coming back to CWB - or, if this is your first time at CWB, what has been positive about your experience with CWB?

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* 3. In your experience, what is CWB most passionate about?

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* 4. In your experience, what does CWB do uniquely well?

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* 5. In what ways, if any, would you like to see CWB grow or improve?

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* 6. What is most important to you about CWB?

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* 7. Thinking about the future role of CWB, how important are the following to you?

  Very important to me Important to me Somewhat important to me Not very important to me Not important to me at all N/A
Passing on the skills of sailing and boating for future generations
Preserving historic wooden boats for future generations to interact with and appreciate
Passing on the craft of wooden boat building and maintainace to future generations
Preserving historic wooden boats for future generations to use on the water
Preserving Seattle's sailing and boating history

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* 8. What do you think CWB's role should be in Seattle's maritime and heritage ecosystem?

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* 9. What is your biggest dream for CWB?

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* 10. Is there anything else you'd like to share with us?

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* 11. What is your affiliation with CWB? (check all that apply)

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* 12. Would you be willing to share some demographic information with us?