CMCE Career Week 2023 - Student and Alumni Mixer @ Sciame, 14 Wall Street 

CMCE Career Week 2023 - Alumni & Student Mixer
Friday, 10/20/2023, 5:30 - 7:30 pm

Meet fellow alumni.
Network with students and colleagues.
See Sciame's offices on Wall and Broadway in Manhattan.
This event is limited to current CMCE students or graduates of the program.
$15 contribution will be collected.
1.Registering as(Required.)
2.Most Recent City Tech Degree/Year Graduated (eg. "BTech/2020" or "AAS/expected 2024" or "N/A")(Required.)
3.School/Company Name (If Alum, use current company name)(Required.)
4.Current Job Title(Required.)
6.Email address(Required.)
7.Phone number