Question Title

* 1. What School District are you with?

Question Title

* 2. Please rate your district's interest level in the following topics:

  Not relevant or low level of interest Moderate interest, but not our top priority High level of interest, this is a priority
LEA Based Programs:  How are other schools serving these students?
Collaboration & Partnerships: How can we improve communication between LEAs and locally operated facilities?
Data & Program Evaluation: What data should be capturing and how can we use it to improve programs and services?
Improving Outcomes: How can we influence and improve student outcomes for students in these programs?
Transition: How can we best help students transition between facilities and schools?
Special Education: How can we best serve students with special education needs in these programs?

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* 3. Please list any specific trainings you would like to see this year:

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* 4. How can Oregon Department of Education (ODE) better support your district and Title I-D?

Thank you for your participation!