
The Cowichan Valley Regional District (CVRD) is leading a visioning process for the Island Rail Corridor within the CVRD. This work was initiated by the Province of British Columbia to work towards a shared vision for the future of the corridor.

The CVRD would like to hear about your ideas. The questions are focused on the portions of the corridor that are in the CVRD (and outside of First Nations Reserve Lands). This survey should take 5 - 10 minutes to complete. All answers will remain anonymous.

Visioning Process
The CVRD’s visioning process is one of many that are taking place across Vancouver Island. Five Regional Districts (including the CVRD), provincial and federal governments, First Nations and the Island Corridor Foundation are all participating in visioning efforts.

The CVRD’s visioning process began in the spring of 2024 with a series of technical studies and stakeholder interviews. The results of this survey, along with the technical studies and engagement activities, will inform a report to the CVRD Board early next year with recommendations towards a shared vision for the Island Rail Corridor.