Pre-Registration for Home Delivery

Thank you for your interest in applying for home delivery of emergency food boxes.  El Pasoans Fighting Hunger is conducting pre-registration for home delivery of food for people and families who need additional support during this time. We are testing a pilot program for those who are quarantined due to diagnosis or pending diagnosis of covid-19.  Home deliveries will be for the entire household.  If you would like to find out if you are qualified, please complete this survey and a staff member will contact you soon.

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* 1. Please enter date form is filled out.


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* 2. Last Name

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* 3. Middle Initial

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* 4. First Name

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* 5. Gender

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* 6. Birth Date


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* 7. Address

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* 8. Ethnicity (Check One)

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* 9. Race (Check all that apply)

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* 10. Disability

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* 11. Client living in poverty (low income)?

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* 12. Including yourself, How many family members currently live in your home?

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* 13. If applicable, What is the name, D.O.B and relationship of all household members?

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* 14. What is your total monthly income?

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* 15. What is your Primary Income Type

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* 16. Are you already enrolled in:

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* 17. Do you need assistance with:

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* 18. Are you or a member of your family quarantined due to a diagnosis or pending diagnosis of COVID-19?

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* 19. How long do you estimate you will need home delivery of emergency food boxes? (Only check one)

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* 20. Does client live alone?

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* 21. Do you have friends or family members who can bring you food?

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* 22. Can you afford to pay for a service to bring you food?

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* 23. Are you a Veteran in the armed forces of the United States?