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Dear Prevention Colleague,
The Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services funds many partners that provide professional development for individuals that help to implement prevention strategies.
Help us understand what training topics and training approaches would be most useful to your role by taking this 10-minute survey on or before November 30, 2024.
Your participation is voluntary. Your survey responses are anonymous.
DMHAS funded prevention partners will use the results to inform future training offerings and other workforce development strategies including mentoring and development of prevention career pathways.
Identifying and providing needed training and professional development opportunities is critical to our success.
Prevention matters. Prevention happens here. Thank you for sharing your voice.
Sarju Shah
Director of Prevention

Question Title

* 1. Is your job connected directly to substance misuse prevention, health education, community health, or primary healthcare?

Question Title

* 2. Do you serve as a member of a local prevention council or a prevention-related coalition (e.g. opioid overdose, youth development) in a community in which you live or work?

Question Title

* 3. How would you describe your primary role in prevention and health promotion?