Walnut Creek Open Space Foundation -- 2024 Trail User Survey 1. About You and How You Use the Walnut Creek Open Space Questions marked with an asterisk (*) require a response. Question Title * 1. Are you a member of the Walnut Creek Open Space Foundation? Yes No Question Title * 2. What is your age group? Under 18 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ NOTE: Your email address is only used to validate your response; it will not be used by us for any other purpose or shared with a third party. Question Title * 3. Please enter your email address. Question Title * 4. What activities do you enjoy most while in the Walnut Creek Open Space? Please indicate all the ways you enjoy the Open Space. Walking Horse riding Dog walking Trail Running Hiking Mountain biking Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. What is your primary activity when in the Walnut Creek Open Space? Hiking Dog walking Horse Riding Mountain biking Volunteer restoration Volunteer trail work Trail running Walking Volunteer Borges Ranch Docent Other (please specify) Question Title * 6. When visiting, which aspect or aspects do you enjoy most about the Open Space? Birds Enjoyment of physical challenge. Ability to track performance completing consistent paths. Animal life other than birds Scenery Companionship with a friend or pet Exercise Wildflowers Variety of Trees Antidote to "civilization" Opportunities to photograph, sketch, or paint scenery or wildlife (including trees and flowers). Fresh air and sunshine Volunteer work to improve the Open Space Other (please specify) Question Title * 7. How often do you use the Open Space? Every day A few times a week About once a week A few times a month Once a month Less than once a month Question Title * 8. Which areas of the Walnut Creek Open Space do you visit on a regular basis? Acalanes Ridge Borges Ranch Howe Homestead North Lime Ridge (Northwest of Ygnacio Valley Road) Shell Ridge South Lime Ridge (Southeast of Ygnacio Valley Road) Sugarloaf Question Title * 9. Do you bring children with you when you visit the Open Space? Always Sometimes Never Question Title * 10. How many people do you usually hike or ride with in the Open Space? None One other person Two or more others Next