G Suite Permission

Student consent for use of Google G Suite

Hello to grade 9 - 12 students in School District #28 (Quesnel).

This page is the beginning of a process to allow you to use Google G Suite. You need to read and understand this information in order to give your informed consent and to protect your privacy rights. Your account information (your first and last name and grade level) as well as any documents you upload onto G Suite will be stored on secure Google servers located beyond Canada, and may be subject to the laws of foreign jurisdictions. Privacy legislation requires that we inform you of this and obtain your consent to this arrangement. The following G Suite services are included:

· G Suite email account limited to only SD28 domains (@sd28.org, sd28.bc.ca)

· Google Drive unlimited storage, including docs, sheets, slides, forms, and drawing; limited sharing to only include @sd28.org

· Google Calendar, Google Sites and Google Classroom within @sd28.org

· Read&Write by TextHelp extension for Google Chrome

I have read this consent form and understand that my personal information will be used for a G Suite account which may include:

· Classroom assignments, research notes, presentations, school-based projects

· Multimedia objects created by students (e.g., videos, pictures, audio files, animations, etc)

· Assessments (e.g., teacher comments, peer feedback, surveys, etc)

· Communication with teachers and other students related to educational purposes

· Indirect, direct collection in relation to educational purposes of using G Suite (posting and collection of personal information from someone other than the individual the information is about)

Unacceptable Uses/Types of Information - You should never include information like this in G Suite:

· Personal contact information (i.e. home address, phone number, email address and gender);

· Confidential, sensitive personal information about yourself or anyone else(i.e. health, race or religious affiliation);

· Personal identifiable information about other persons i.e. other students, parents, teachers or family members (i.e. full names, addresses, emails, contact information);

· Files in violation of copyright laws (e.g. illegally obtained music, videos, copyrighted images); and,

· All forms of harassment or bullying.

This consent will be considered valid from this date until you choose to remove such consent by contacting your school principal. Consent will be removed when you are no longer a student in School District #28.
1.What is your pupil number (or student number)?(Required.)
2.Do you give your consent to use Google G Suite?(Required.)
Current Progress,
0 of 2 answered