Exit Mentee Questionnaire Question Title * 1. Please provide your name, home address, email, and phone number: Question Title * 2. Are you a Born Again Believer/Christian? (John 3:3-8) Yes No Not sure Question Title * 3. Are you willing to accept the Word of God as final authority in spiritual matters? (Eph. 1:17) Yes No Question Title * 4. Are you willing to take our Spiritual Gifts Survey? Yes No Question Title * 5. Are you teachable and willing to be Mentored by a more mature Christian? Yes No Question Title * 6. Are you willing to accept the Word of God as final authority in all matters of life? (Eph. 1:17) Yes No Question Title * 7. Are you willing to be Mentored in our one year Mentorship program and meet once per week with your Mentor? (Matthew 28:19) Yes No Question Title * 8. When did you receive Jesus as your personal Savior? (John 3:3-8) Question Title * 9. The Mentors and the Mentee’s will be of the same gender.If a Mentee knows of someone who they would like to Mentor them, please have that person contact us for official paper work and approval.When the Mentee successfully finishes a one year term of the Mentorship program, they will receive a “Certificate of Completion” of the Mentorship program.If you agree with these questions and information and desire to be Mentored and grow spiritually, with this “Hands-On” Mentorship program, please select “Yes” below.Galatians. 5:6B “Faith working through Love” Yes No Done