Career and Technical Education (CTE), formerly known as Vo-Tech, gives students real-world, hands-on experience in a variety of employment fields and offers opportunities for dual credit courses and Industry-Recognized Credentials that can give students an advantage after graduation. In Missouri, about 65 percent of high school students are enrolled in at least one CTE course or program. Despite indicators of CTE success – 95 percent of 2017 CTE graduates are employed, in college or serving in the military – there is room for enrollment growth. 

The survey below asks questions about your general perception of CTE programs, including Agriculture, Business, Marketing, Health, Family and Consumer Sciences, Technical Sciences (e.g. Automotive, Collision Repair, Computer, Construction, Law Enforcement, Machining, Welding, etc.), and Project Lead The Way (PLTW) Choose questions that are appropriate for the way you identify yourself for the survey – student, parent, educator or business leader. If you fit into more than one of those groups, i.e. business leader and parent, please take the survey for each group, once from one perspective and once from the other. Please choose the answer that most closely represents your perceptions, ranging from strongly agree to strongly disagree or don’t know.

Please complete the survey by April 12. Thank you!

Question Title

* General Questions

  Strongly Agree Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree Don't Know
Career and Technical Education can be a pathway into college for some students.
Students taking CTE courses are socioeconomically and racially diverse.
CTE-related professions pay less than fields requiring a four-year degree.
The name “Career and Technical Education” has a negative connotation.
CTE tends to focus on students who probably won’t go to college.
Students in CTE programs are as respected as those who take more traditional classes.
CTE is just as important as subjects such as math, English, science and social studies.
Courses should be taught by combining classroom teaching with content about related careers.
Classes should teach students how to take what they learn and apply it to a real world situation.
The most important thing schools should do is to teach the skills needed in the workplace.
The most important thing schools should do is to teach courses that meet college entrance requirements.
The most important thing schools should do is to teach courses that meet high school graduation requirements.
Schools should work with local employers to stay in touch with what skills are needed in the workplace.
CTE courses should provide high-quality, work-based learning experiences.
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