1. Introduction

This survey is part of a market research effort by the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center to develop a suite of technical assistance resources targeted at the commercial solar photovoltaic (PV) and commercial solar+storage markets. You are being contacted because you are either actively involved in the solar industry, manage property, or participate in the commercial real estate industry.

As a valued stakeholder, we invite you to participate in this survey about your experience with solar PV and managing energy upgrades for your building. Your responses will contribute to the development of resources and technical assistance to support the adoption of solar PV in this sector. This survey is focused on the onsite commercial solar market and we ask that as you complete the survey, please try to keep that market segment in mind.  

All information collected in this survey will be aggregated to identify trends. Entering your name and contact information will be optional.

This survey should take no longer than 15 minutes to complete. You may also elect to complete the survey by phone by contacting Sasha Shyduroff at Sasha.Shyduroff@mc-group.com, who will work to schedule a response time with you. Please submit your responses by January 5th.

Public Records Notice: Please be aware that MassCEC is subject to the Massachusetts Public Records Law codified at Chapter 66 of the Massachusetts General Laws. Please note survey responses are public with the exception of personal email addresses and cell phone numbers of respondents. This survey is voluntary but your response will provide MassCEC valuable industry insights.