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In cooperation with the Civil Society Policy Forum (CSPF) Working Group, the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) are launching the call for proposals for a CSPF in Washington, DC, with hybrid components. The CSPF will take place during the upcoming World Bank-IMF Annual Meetings.

The call for proposals is open to civil society organizations (CSOs)* and CSO networks.

The World Bank and IMF place a high priority on civil society engagement. The CSPF, held twice a year, is the largest platform for engagement between CSOs, the World Bank and IMF on important development topics. The World Bank and IMF review committee, with the help of the CSPF Working Group, will select proposals that contribute to a diverse and comprehensive forum. To ensure inclusion and diversity, we ask that each organization sponsor only one session. Proposals jointly sponsored with other CSOs – especially from different regions of the world – are highly encouraged.

All proposals, without exception, must be submitted electronically using this form before Monday, August 19, 2024 by 9:00 AM EST (Washington, D.C. time) or 2:00 pm GMT.

Towards the end of July, the World Bank-IMF CSO team will host two sessions of “office hours” to answer queries on the CSPF, including the application process. If you have questions regarding a CSPF application or want to learn more about the Forum, you are most welcome to attend the office hours. The office hours are tentatively scheduled for July 24, 2024 at both 10:00 AM and 9:00 PM.

We appreciate your organization's interest in submitting a proposal. Session organizers will be notified whether their session has been selected for inclusion in the CSPF by early September.

For more information on the CSPF, please see here.

Additional Questions? Feel free to write to

If you wish to receive more updates on the World Bank and IMF work with CSOs, subscribe to the World Bank’s CSO newsletter and check the IMF’s website for CSOs.

*CSOs include non-governmental organizations, community groups, labor unions, indigenous peoples’ movements, faith-based organizations, professional associations, foundations, think tanks, charitable organizations, and other not-for-profit organizations. Representatives from the private sector, academia, or governmental bodies must apply for accreditation through the "Guests" or other respective registration categories as clarified on th

Question Title

* 1. Contact Details of Primary Session Organizer

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* 2. Additional Sponsoring Organizations, if any

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* 3. Session Title (max 15 words)

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* 4. Session Objectives (Max 75 words)
What do you want to achieve with this session?

Question Title

* 5. Session Abstract (max 100 words)

If this session proposal is selected, this abstract will appear on the CSPF schedule online and any other promotional materials.

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* 6. Please select which topic(s) from the list below your proposal addresses.

(Please pick up to 3)

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* 7. Proposed Session Format
Session slots are limited to 90 minutes and we are looking for formats that invite a lively discussion and engagement (i.e., Lightning talk, interview, roundtable discussion, “shark tank”). While there are limitations to virtual room set up and interactive tools, we will do our best to match availability with individual requests.

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* 8. Proposed Panelists and Moderator:

For session effectiveness and to leave enough time for discussion with the audience, we strongly suggest a maximum of four speakers, including the moderator. We understand that this list may still be aspirational at this stage, but please list the panelists and moderators that you would like to approach for your session. Please note, at least one panelist must be physically present at the CSPF in Washington, DC. To ensure a diversity of voices, the organizing teams may request that individuals participate in a maximum of two sessions as panelists.

Please provide their organizational affiliation, job title and email addresses if available.

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* 9. Would you like to have any panelists join virtually? If so, please indicate where they are based globally for scheduling considerations. Are you interested in any other virtual functionalities?

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* 10. Will your panel include World Bank and/or IMF representatives?

Please select 1 option:

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* 11. Is there anything else you would like the Review Committee or the CSPF Working Group to know? (max 100 words)

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