I feel tired and unrefreshed when I wake from sleeping
My muscles feel stiff and achy
I have anxiety attacks
I grind or clench my teeth
I have problems with diarrhea and/or constipation
I need help in performing my daily activities
I am sensitive to bright lights
I get tired very easily when I am physically active
I feel pain all over my body
I have headaches
I feel discomfort in my bladder and/ or burning when I urinate
I do not sleep well
I have difficulty concentrating
I have skin problems such as dryness, itchiness, or rashes
Stress makes my physical symptoms get worse
I feel sad or depressed
I have low energy
I have muscle tension in my neck and shoulders
I have pain in my jaw
Certain smells, such as perfumes, make me feel dizzy and nauseated
I have to urinate frequently
My legs feel uncomfortable and restless when I am trying to go to sleep at night
I have difficulty remembering things
I suffered trauma as a child
I have pain in my pelvic area