Metro Rotary Club Survey

1.What is your name?
2.Have you been vaccinated or will you be soon? (purely optional to answer, not trying to be in your business, just hoping we have reached herd status!)
3.What would you prefer for our Club Meetings? (select all that apply)
4.It has been difficult this year for everyone on so many levels and, as a club, it has been difficult to socialize much less get to know some of our new members and check in with long lost friends. Difficulty aside, we came together as a club and not only persevered, we also raised more money than ever for our service partners and projects. For those reasons and more, we want to celebrate you, your fellow Rotarians and us as club with an end of year party! No fundraising, no presentation, just fun but we also want to make sure we are meeting people where they are comfortable.
5.The board decided a couple of years ago to start working towards a “Legacy Project” for our club. We plan to raise money above our Annual Service Partner amount each year to save for the project with the idea being on our 15th anniversary, we complete the project (we are currently 9 years old). That said, we don’t yet have a project or budget in mind and before we can determine the latter, we have to make a decision on the former! So, do you have any ideas for what our Legacy Project could be? Just as an example, Savannah Rotary donated the playground equipment, etc. in Forsyth Park. Our project would be something that benefits the community for years to come but that still leaves the door wiiiiiiiide open! Please share as many ideas as you have, big, small, outlandish, whatever you’ve got.
6.How do you feel about Munches?
7.Anything else on your mind? (surveymonkey now makes you pay for a comment box so if the row below isn't sufficient, email me,