Question Title

* 1. Prescription Stage Follow-Up

Question Title

* 2. Name

Question Title

* 3. Date of Birth


Question Title

* 4. Please select an option below that best describes your menstrual cycle.

Question Title

* 5. Since beginning PearlPAK, have you noticed a change in your menstrual cycle?

Question Title

* 6. Have you had surgical menopause?

Question Title

* 7. If you answered Yes to the previous question, approximately what year did you have surgery? [select year].

Question Title

* 8. Since beginning PearlPAK, have you had surgical menopause?

Question Title

* 9. If you answered Yes to the above question, month and year.

Question Title

* 10. Are you having symptoms of menopause?

Question Title

* 11. What symptoms of menopause have you noticed?

Question Title

* 12. Since beginning PearlPAK, what symptoms of menopause are you experiencing?

Question Title

* 13. Do you have problems with brain fog (your thinking is not like it was 10 years ago)?

Question Title

* 14. How do you rate this difficulty in brain fog (as compared to 10 years ago)?

Question Title

* 15. Since beginning PearlPAK, how do you rate this difficulty in brain fog?

Question Title

* 16. Are you having difficulty concentrating (as compared to 10 years ago)?

Question Title

* 17. How do you rate this difficulty in concentrating (as compared to 10 years ago)?

Question Title

* 18. Since beginning PerlPAK, how do you rate this difficulty in concentrating?

Question Title

* 19. Are you having difficulty in remembering things (as compared to 10 years ago)?

Question Title

* 20. How do you rate this difficulty in remembering things (as compared to 10 years ago)?

Question Title

* 21. Since beginning PearkPAK, how do you rate this difficulty in remembering things?

Question Title

* 22. Are you having difficulty in processing new information quickly? (as compared to 10 years ago)?

Question Title

* 23. How do you rate this difficulty in processing new information quickly? (as compared to 10 years ago)?

Question Title

* 24. Since beginning PearkPAK how do you rate this difficulty in processing new information quickly?

Question Title

* 25. Are you having difficulty in finding the right words during conversations? (as compared to 10 years ago)? (as compared to 10 years ago)?

Question Title

* 26. How do you rate this difficulty in finding the right words during conversations (as compared to 10 years ago)?

Question Title

* 27. Since beginning PearlPAK how do you rate this difficulty in finding the right words during conversations?

Question Title

* 28. Are you having difficulty with problem solving? (as compared to 10 years ago)?

Question Title

* 29. How do you rate this difficulty in problem solving (as compared to 10 years ago)?

Question Title

* 30. Since beginning PearkPAK, how do you rate this difficulty in problem solving?

Question Title

* 31. Have you ever taken hormones for menopause? (estrogen, progesterone, Premarin, PremPro, hormone pellet therapy)

Question Title

* 32. If yes to question above, which medication, dose, method of administration (oral, transdermal, subcutaneous) how long did you take it, how long ago did you stop HRT?

Question Title

* 33. Do you have cancer or a history of cancer, stroke, heart disease, paralysis, clotting disorder, or other serious illness?

Question Title

* 34. Since beginning PearlPAK, have you been diagnosed with cancer, stroke,  heart disease, paralysis, clotting disorder, or other serious illness?

Question Title

* 35. Approximately what is your highest level of education (since this can affect brain fog)?

Question Title

* 36. How would you rate your overall quality of life now on a scale from 1-10? (10=great, 5=fair, 1=poor)

poor fair great
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.